Protecting Water Resources at Home

Check out these water-saving tips for your home.


Water is essential to each of us every day. But it’s a limited resource, so we all need to rethink the way we use water on a daily basis. By following these water-saving tips inside your home you can help save water every day.

Water Savings Actions

Follow these actions and save thousands of gallons of water each year:

  • Switch from baths to 5 minute showers and save 57,000 gallons.
  • Turn water off when brushing teeth and save 8,800 gallons.
  • Install a high-efficiency shower head and save 5,800 gallons.
  • Wash only full loads of clothing and save 7,900 gallons.
  • Use dishwasher only when full and save 2,200 gallons.
  • Install a high-efficiency clothes washer and save 11,000 gallons.

5 Steps to Save Water Today!

  1. Fix leaky faucets – a leak that drips once per second will waste about 5 gallons of water per day
  2. Reduce shower time to 5 minutes – this saves 32 gallons of water per day
  3. Turn off the water as you brush your teeth or shave – this will save over 30 gallons of water a day
  4. Only water lawns when needed – lawns only need about one inch of rain a week, and heavy rain can sustain your yard up to 2 weeks. Also, avoid using sprinklers on windy days and during the hottest time of the day when evaporation will occur.
  5. Reuse water when possible, including rinse water from dishes or collected dehumidifier air, to water household plants. There are lots of ways to reuse water around the home!

Homeowner Stormwater Survey

Help us gather information on flooding concerns, stormwater management, and green stormwater infrastructure practices in your community. Enter to win a FREE Rain Barrel, Native Plant Gift Certificate, or a Rain Garden Design Session.

Take the Homeowner Stormwater Survey

Irrigation of lawns represents one of the largest uses of water from the aquifer.